Parallel Signatures – a relevant input to the Technology Discussion
To enhance the Swiss e-ID framework with selective disclosure while ensuring unlinkability, it's imperative to incorporate advanced digital signature ...
DIDAS Technology Working – thoughts on the eIDAS Architecture Reference Framework
eIDAS Architecture Reference Framework 1.0 Thoughts on ARF from DIDAS Technology Working Earlier this year, the eIDAS Expert Group published ...
The Power of e-ID ecosystems
Exploiting the potential of the e-ID ecosystem In chemistry, a reaction can be accelerated by adding a substance called a ...
Self Sovereign Identity Explainer – Introduction to the World of SSI
We at DIDAS are committed to establishing and promoting a viable and thriving self-sovereign identity ecosystem. We are convinced that ...
New Take on SSI Principles
The term Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) is rapidly growing in popularity, bit what is it? SSI is a concept was created ...
Community im Gespräch: Establishing Self Sovereign Identity Community and Ecosystem in Switzerland
Thanks to our partner, Lucern's University of Applied Sciences, we were able to present our newly-born association to a diverse ...