DIDAS Statement for E-ID Technology Discussion Paper
In this latest contribution to the ongoing dialogue surrounding Switzerland's E-ID initiative, DIDAS has released a comprehensive document that critically evaluates the current technological proposals for the Swiss trust infrastructure. This ...
DIDAS Technology Working – thoughts on the eIDAS Architecture Reference Framework
eIDAS Architecture Reference Framework 1.0 Thoughts on ARF from DIDAS Technology Working Earlier this year, the eIDAS Expert Group published ...
The Power of e-ID ecosystems
Exploiting the potential of the e-ID ecosystem In chemistry, a reaction can be accelerated by adding a substance called a ...
DIDAS Submits its Position Paper re. the draft of E-ID Law
Consultation for BGEID The Federal Council opened consultation for the Federal Law on Electronic Proof of Identity and Other Electronic ...
The new home for Self-Sovereign Identity Ecosystem in Switzerland
Die Gründung von DIDAS ist erfolgt und wir sind super ...